Dental Procedures

Dentist for Kids

Dentist for Kids

Here at Westwoods Dental, we love kids!  We are a great choice of dentist for kids, and we work hard to ensure your child has a positive experience, and even enjoys coming to the dentist!

When should I bring my child to the dentist?

Parents should schedule an appointment for their child shortly after the first tooth erupts or around their first birthday. Subsequently, they should go for regular check-ups every 6 to 12 months, so your child’s oral health team at Westwoods Dental can monitor their oral hygiene, diet and growth patterns.

It is best if your child’s first experience occurs at a time before invasive dental work becomes necessary. A ride on the dental chair, magic tricks with “Mr. Thirsty” and visiting the toy chest should make your child’s visit pleasurable and non-threatening. The first visit should also include the counting of teeth while your child looks at what is happening in a hand held mirror. Remember, early dental check-ups makes it easier for our staff at Westwoods Dental to build a good rapport with your child and establish a foundation of trust and comfort for future visits.